HPV Vaccination Information
Dear Parent/Guardian,
HPV Immunisations - Year 8
The HPV vaccine has been offered to all school year 8 girls for over ten years. With effect from September 2019 the vaccine is now being offered to year 8 boys. The evidence shows that the HPV vaccine helps to protect both boys and girls from HPV related cancers. To get the best protection, it is important that your son/daughter receive both doses, scheduled 6 to 12 months apart. Please discuss this with your son/daughter, then complete the electronic consent form.
In the absence of a parent/guardian completing a consent form, your son/daughter may be given the option of vaccination if they wish to do so under the Gillick competence guidance. This will only be done if the nurse is confident that the child understands all the information given, and then they can consent for the vaccination themselves. Please see the useful links and FAQs for more information of the HPV vaccination.
If you have any queries or require further information, please contact the Immunisation Team on 03333 583 397.
Acknowledgement to: Public health England who produced this video to increase awareness about the HPV vaccination programme.
HPV Immunisation Information
Consent Form
Please complete this form to give consent for your child to be vaccinated at school
Complete FormNO to Consent
Please complete this form if you do NOT wish your child to be vaccinated at school
Complete FormUseful Links
We have compiled a list of useful links
to find further information of the HPV vaccine
Contact Us
The Immunisation Team can be contacted on local rate 0333 358 3397 or by email contactimms@intrahealth.co.uk. Our Nurse, Healthcare Assistants and Administrators are available Monday to Friday during working hours.