Td/IPV & MenACWY Vaccination Information
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Tetanus, Diphtheria & Polio (Td/IPV) & Meningitis ACWY Immunisations
Most children have been immunised against Tetanus, Diphtheria & Polio and Meningitis C as part of the childhood UK schedule. Guidance from Public Health England recommends that your child now receives a booster dose of Tetanus, Diphtheria & Polio and Meningitis ACWY.
More information is available on the website www.nhs.uk/vaccinations You can also talk to the Nurse at your child’s school, your GP or Practice Nurse.
Select and complete the form, even if you do not wish your child to have the immunisations, please indicate on the form.
Please be aware that if we do not receive a consent form, each young person will be assessed on an individual basis and given the opportunity to give their informed consent to receive the immunisations.
If you have any queries or if, after submitting the form and prior to vaccination, your child’s health changes, please contact the Immunisation Team on Freephone 0333 358 3397 before the day of the vaccination session.
Contact Us
The Immunisation Team can be contacted on local rate 0333 3583 397 or by email to contactimms @ intrahealth.co.uk. Our Nurse, Healthcare Assistants and Administrators are available Monday to Friday during working hours.
Acknowledgement to: Pfizer Limited who produced this video to increase awareness about meningitis and the meningitis vaccination programme for https://www.meetmeningitis.com/ and provided IntraHealth with permission to use the video on this website.
Td/IPV & MenACWY Immunisation Information
Useful Links
We have compiled a list of useful links
to find further information of the Td/IPV & MenACWY vaccines
Consent Form
Go ahead and complete the form to give or deny consent for your child to be vaccinated at school
Complete Form